

Im gonna tell you, about my favorite house until now. And, i hope i can live there, someday. Or maybe build a house, that same like this house.
This is Robert Pattinson's house!

Maybe this is the back side

omg. The living room!

This is in the living room, when we look straight

Its from the outside. The swimming pool, i wish i could feel the atmosphere here

The bedroom, but look at the carpet. arabic? look at that! swimming pool! the bedroom is beside the swimming pool! my dream room!!

tv room maybe, and we could see the swimming pool from here. again!

Its the front of the house

The kitchen! It was arranged neatly!

Still in the kitchen, with fireplace. Such a cool house.

At last, the bathroom. I want the bath tub, it was very huge

Well, then. Its the house. Many picture and i'm pretty sure many people wants to live here.

Thanks for viewing, visiting my blog. and of course, read it!



ya, tgif. but its "harpitnas". We could sleep in our room, but i still came to school. To study of course.
not a boring day, because someone's coming to my school. Its Kelly Purwanto, first time i saw him idk who's him, but my first impression is: this guy is surely cool! and hot.

Then, we do coaching clinic. In basket hall, with #9! and ! #10. There are so many people. its crowded much. But, basket team are there and they already used their basket uniform. And they're ready for the coaching clinic!

Once i think, why didn't i joined the basketball team, but i cant crave for something i cant get. _> small diary and its no important at all.

Im joining the coaching clinic! yeay! but kelly are talking to ka romy. Well that's okay. But, i'm having fun.
The coaching clinic finished. Dhila and Kalvi were the best player there! wow, they're very good at basket.
-> fyi, they're having dinner now. AAA! ENVY LALALA~

The last one, is the photo shoot time!! AAH he's.way.too.cool.
I take a photo with him, and he's nice, but ka Romy is very nice one, nicer than Kelly. Ka Romy is very tall, maybe 2 meters.
Before photo shoot, the moderator ask about Kelly's back number, and i answer the question rightt! ;--) So, i got a gift from esia. The gift was like notes, and 1 ball point. I used the notes to ask for Kelly's sign. I GET HIS SIGNATURE <3
So thanks Kelly! For coming, giving coaching clinic, giving your sign!
Please come back to Labschool Kby again!

much love -avie



its Wednesday when i wrote this.
Nothing special happened at school. Just, several.
The physics, and the magician. Faya gave me the magician book. i was very happy.

Then i went to the court, i'm searching for an inspiring atmosphere. Because i have to make a poem, in Bahasa,  for Bahasa assignment.
I met many people there, and i'm so happy. They could made my day.
Made me smile, yes. Good atmosphere.
But, i cant find an inspiring atmosphere. I can't even made one, one poem.

idk whattodo again.
Until now.



i wrote this when i hate someone. But, even i tell him/her that i hate him/her. I just cant hate him/her.

Don't place yourself, thinking that everyone appreciate what you're doing
Don't ever made yourself as a center of the situation
Don't ever say that you're the king, that have anything you want
Even it's fun, and maybe making someone smile. They're smiling, but someone's crying inside, and can't do anything to push you.
Just, don't.
It harms yourself. It harms others.
Do something wisely. Use you deepest part of heart, to do. And before you do it, think.



One, you’re like a dream come true
Two, just wanna be with you
Three, girl it’s plain to see
That you’re the only one for me and
Four, repeat steps one through three
Five, make you fall in love with me

three? i have no interested at girl. haha. 



hi im at school with the bule's (read: brita)
were stu(dying) pkn
so bye